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5th European Intermodal Summit - Online event

22 January 2025
Brussels - Belgium


5th edition of the European Intermodal Summit 


A Must-Attend Event for all those interested in Intermodal Freight Transport

The 5th edition of the European Intermodal Summit, the Europe-wide online gathering for the intermodal community organised by UIRR, will take place on 22 January 2025, from 10.00 to 12.00 CET.
Key questions will be addressed:

  • How will Combined Transport respond to the Clean Industrial Deal?
  • How can Europe boost its competitiveness?
  • How can Combined Transport contribute to achieve better productivity and resilience?

Join us to hear expert panelists debate these critical issues. UIRR will also give an overview on the latest facts and figures and unveil a new study on the efficiencies of Combined Transport, providing insights into freight transport through the lenses of competitiveness and resilience.
Don't miss this opportunity – register now via the link below and be part of the conversation!

This is a "Combined Transport for Europe" event



22 January 10:00 - 12:00

10:00 – 10:05: Opening - Michail Stahlhut, CEO of Hupac and Chairman of UIRR
10:05 – 10:10: Keynote speech - Pierpaolo Settembri - EU Commission . Cabinet of Commissioner Tzitzikostas
10:10 – 10:30: Presentation of the Study on the Efficiencies of Combined Transport - UIRR
Panel 1 “Capacity Regulation”  - 10:30 – 11:00

  1. MEP Tilly Metz, rapporteur Capacity Regulation
  2. MEP Ondřej Kovařík, shadow rapporteur Capacity Regulation
  3. Sandro Santamato, DG Move Head of Unit C3 Single European Rail Area
  4. Peter Kiss, CEO of Metrans
  5. Dariusz Stefański, CEO of PCC Intermodal
  6. Anthony Chérubini Director General of T3M

11:00 – 11:10: Presentation of latest facts and figures on Combined Transport based on the UIC-UIRR report 2024 (by SCI Verkehr)

Panel 2 “Combined Transport Directive” - 11:10 – 11:50

  1. MEP Flavio Tosi, rapporteur Combined Transport Directive
  2. MEP Vivien Costanzo, shadow rapporteur Combined Transport Directive 
  3. Annika Kroon, DG Move Head of Unit D1 Maritime Transport & Logistics
  4. Jürgen Albersmann, CEO of Contargo
  5. Ben Beirnaert, CEO of Combinant
  6. Kevin Gründer, Head of Terminal and Intermodal Strategy at duisport – Duisburger Hafen AG

11:50: Closing - Michail Stahlhut, CEO of Hupac and Chairman of UIRR



>>> Registration MS Teams (free)